Live your sacred gifts

I coach you to live a thriving life you love in service to the emergence of a more beautiful world.

Fáilte anam cara, Welcome to my online community.

I’m a transformational coach, social entrepreneur, literary artist, and contemplative who has been delivering seminars, workshops, retreats, and 1:1 sessions for over a decade… and I’d be honoured to work with you too. 

My coaching passion is helping people, just like you, to ignite your soul fire and live a life you love in service to the emergence of a more beautiful world.

Mentored by some of the worlds well known spiritual, faith, and indigenous leaders, mind-body health experts, and high performance coaches, I support you to receive the grace and courage to live the call of your gifts.

eepen your connection with the Source of Love.
Accelerate your inner empowerment journey. 
Live the real meaning and purpose of your life.

Ready to thrive? I work 1:1 online with clients worldwide. To accelerate the outcomes you want to see in your life feel welcome to schedule a 30 minute taster coaching session.

"May I have the courage today to live the life that I would love, to postpone my dream no longer, but do at last what I came here for, and waste my heart on fear no more." John O' Donohue

Thirty Minute Coaching Taster Session 

* Gain crystal clear clarity on what you’d like to emerge in your life.
* Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your progress.
* Take away a simple, powerful, next step action plan.
* Leave the session feeling re-energised and inspired.

I offer transformational coaching and complementary therapies to help you to live, love, and serve more fully.

Group Coaching Programme 1: Cultivate self love to live a heart centred life.
Group Coaching Programme 2: Awaken and live your life's purpose.

What Clients Are Saying