Gradient Blue abstract background. Smooth Dark blue with Black vignette Studio.
Gradient Blue abstract background. Smooth Dark blue with Black vignette Studio.

Live Your Soul Song - Group Coaching Programme


“The very centre of your heart is where life begins. The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Enter the way of Living Your Soul Contracts  – the unique contributions that Love wants to live more fully through you.

You are very warmly invited and welcome to this online 6 week contemplative coaching programme, which serves as a container to help prepare you to live the call of your gifts in compassionate service for a more beautiful world.

Through a series of experiential insights, wisdom teachings, spiritual practices, and different ways of relating to the magical nature of life, you will learn how to become inspired and empowered to live more fully. 

Live the call of your gifts

  • Six online group coaching sessions. 
  • Sessions are held online via Zoom.
  • A blend of facilitation input, experiential exercises, silence, dialogue, group discussion, prayer, journalling, dream work, and embodiment.
  • Optional preparatory or post reading / listening material for each session.
  • Each session will start with a 30 minute meditation. 
  • The option to form accountability partnerships if you wish to choose to do so.

Programme Modules and Timings

We will gather together in sacred circle, and explore the following themes:

Session 1: Alignment. Receptivity.

Session 2: Deepening ones connection to receive guidance to live a heart centred life.

Session 3: Inner transformation and embodiment.

Session 4: Spiritual and personal empowerment.

Session 5: Inviting and welcoming support and kinship from the magical nature of life and the more than human universe to help you live your callings.

Session 6: Radical courage and compassion embodiment.