Holistic Services At My Practice

In my holistic practice I offer a number of services to support you to awaken greater vitality and wellbeing in your life.

The session starts with a thorough and confidential consultation, in which we explore some of the obvious, and less obvious factors that profoundly influence wellbeing including but not limited to exploring how you currently:

  • Nourish your mind, body and soul 
  • Live true to your core values
  • Enjoy mutually loving reciprocal relationships
  • Identify blocks to healing and empowerment 
  • Identify sabotaging patterns and release unhelpful beliefs
  • Create better work-life balance
  • Strategies for stress management

After the consultation, you may choose to receive an optional holistic wellbeing coaching session with me. We will assess where you are now regarding your wellbeing, and identify together what is needed to help you to get you to where you want to be.